I have been fortunate enought to spend most of the day swinging in our newly erected hammock. It really is in a very nice spot, with lots of sun and little spots of light from the mirror ball (yes mirror ball, don't you have one in your garden?!) playing over the plants. This has made me very happy, as the small things in life often do and so I am including a few more little things that have made my day.
1. Fishy paintings

I'm loving these super colourful and summery paintings by Patrick Chevailler. Patrick is an artist living and working in ST Vincent and the Grenadine islands - nice life! I've always had a bit of a thing for fish, in fact anything water related and when I was younger this manifested itself as a mini version of the London aquarium in my bedroom. I now have three rather more modest goldfish!
Its not very often that you see fish as subject in paintings, but Patrick has clearly been influenced by his beautiful surroundings and all his paintings are of fish. I love his quirky compositions and his attention to detail. They may not be quite right for my home in London, but I'm sure that if I had a little place in the Grenadines there would be a few of these adorning the walls!
See more at http://www.patrickchevailler.com/
2. Home fit for a screen legend

Today I saw that Elizabeth Taylor's house in Bel Air has gone on sale. Im a big fan of Miss Taylor - her work and her life and I'm sure she will crop up on the blog again in some crazy full blown homage.
Anyway, I'd always wondered what her house might have been like and to be honest I'm surprised - nice surprised.
The house its much less grand than I had imagined and the garden is truly beautiful. It really looks like a traditional English country garden. I'm sure that to achieve this is no mean feat in the Los Angeles climate. I am under no illusion that Dame Liz kept the garden herself, I can't quite see her scrabbling around with a pair of seceteurs grasped in a hand so bejewelled with bling that she can barely lift it, but who knows!

Its really refreshing to see a celebrity home that isn't completely screaming for attention and trying desperately to be chic and expensive, and usually failing miserably at the first. Who knows what the interior is like - I'm seeing pink!

The property is on for $8.6 million dollars if anyone is looking. The house has over an acre of land and the home its self is 7000sq ft, which for a women reportedly worth near to a billion dollars seems pretty modest. Wonder who'll buy it?
3. IL Pelicano

My third thing is the Il Pelicano hotel in Italy. Actaully its not the hotel I'm interested in - not to say that I would mind staying there, but I'm looking at this from a purely artistic perspective of course. So its the photo itself of the hotels famous clifftop pool that I like.
I saw this in Paris Vogue and it was very very small but, it still caught my eye. I think the composition is fantastic, there is a real sense of anticipatipation as if you are walking between the shady pines, just about to step out into the white sunshine and the sounds of the splashing pool water.
I liked the photgraph so much that I am currently painting my own take on the scene, which I have begun in oils but will be finishing in mixed media. I will put it up here when its done and then the world can cast judgement - or the two people treading this, same thing!
Well I was going to make this five of my favourite things today, but actually I'm going to spread out the goodies over a few days. This is surely only sensible as who knows tomorrow I may see nothing of interest - highly unlikely thought!
1. Fishy paintings

I'm loving these super colourful and summery paintings by Patrick Chevailler. Patrick is an artist living and working in ST Vincent and the Grenadine islands - nice life! I've always had a bit of a thing for fish, in fact anything water related and when I was younger this manifested itself as a mini version of the London aquarium in my bedroom. I now have three rather more modest goldfish!
Its not very often that you see fish as subject in paintings, but Patrick has clearly been influenced by his beautiful surroundings and all his paintings are of fish. I love his quirky compositions and his attention to detail. They may not be quite right for my home in London, but I'm sure that if I had a little place in the Grenadines there would be a few of these adorning the walls!
See more at http://www.patrickchevailler.com/
2. Home fit for a screen legend

Today I saw that Elizabeth Taylor's house in Bel Air has gone on sale. Im a big fan of Miss Taylor - her work and her life and I'm sure she will crop up on the blog again in some crazy full blown homage.
Anyway, I'd always wondered what her house might have been like and to be honest I'm surprised - nice surprised.
The house its much less grand than I had imagined and the garden is truly beautiful. It really looks like a traditional English country garden. I'm sure that to achieve this is no mean feat in the Los Angeles climate. I am under no illusion that Dame Liz kept the garden herself, I can't quite see her scrabbling around with a pair of seceteurs grasped in a hand so bejewelled with bling that she can barely lift it, but who knows!

Its really refreshing to see a celebrity home that isn't completely screaming for attention and trying desperately to be chic and expensive, and usually failing miserably at the first. Who knows what the interior is like - I'm seeing pink!

The property is on for $8.6 million dollars if anyone is looking. The house has over an acre of land and the home its self is 7000sq ft, which for a women reportedly worth near to a billion dollars seems pretty modest. Wonder who'll buy it?
3. IL Pelicano

My third thing is the Il Pelicano hotel in Italy. Actaully its not the hotel I'm interested in - not to say that I would mind staying there, but I'm looking at this from a purely artistic perspective of course. So its the photo itself of the hotels famous clifftop pool that I like.
I saw this in Paris Vogue and it was very very small but, it still caught my eye. I think the composition is fantastic, there is a real sense of anticipatipation as if you are walking between the shady pines, just about to step out into the white sunshine and the sounds of the splashing pool water.
I liked the photgraph so much that I am currently painting my own take on the scene, which I have begun in oils but will be finishing in mixed media. I will put it up here when its done and then the world can cast judgement - or the two people treading this, same thing!
Well I was going to make this five of my favourite things today, but actually I'm going to spread out the goodies over a few days. This is surely only sensible as who knows tomorrow I may see nothing of interest - highly unlikely thought!