Thursday 28 July 2011

Back to Black


Was very sad to hear the news of Amy Winehouse's passing this week. I won't repeat what has been said over and over but I think it is a real shame that she didn't have longer to see what she could have accomplished.

We were/are the same age and it does get you thinking. My main thought was what a waste. I suppose this has particular resonance for me at the moment as I still don't know what to do with myself. It has gone beyond the point of having a good think about my options and now I feel like I am aimlessly drifting along.

This is not good and I have to get my act together. Why this is easier said than done is beyond me!

In this spirit of actually doing something I was going to enter the British Airways - Great Britons competition. This was to have your art put on the side of ten 747's for the 2012 games.

 I love 747's - random but true. I really think they are a true work of engineering beauty. Suffice to say that to see my art on ten of them would be probably the most exciting moment of my life so far!
                                     File:Virgin atlantic b747-400 lady penelope arp.jpg

(As a bit of trivia, this is Lady Penelope, the first plane I ever worked on as a steward and the best jumbo in the world in my opinion)

Well you can imagine my shock when I went to enter this morning, only to find the competition had closed yesterday! I had written the date down wrong! What the F**K! This sort of stupid mistake is I fear all too illustartive of my state of mind at the moment.

 To be fair, I haven't just been sitting at home watching Will and Grace (well maybe a little!); I have been down in Surrey for the past couple of weeks building and landscaping a truly massive pond. Earlier on in the blog I shared my childhood love for all things water based, so this job which involved more water than you could shake a stick at was just pure pleasure from beginning to end for me. Here's some photo's that show the constrction and the finished product.

                                   A very big hole! the pond is 13 metres long by 7 metres wide.

 This shows the insulation that goes in before the liner to protect it from getting torn. It was very  soft and at this point the hole seemed a great place to lie down in and read a book - although being a true professional I ignored this urge!

 The liner has gone in! You can get an idea of scale from James, although he was quite small anyway so maybe this isn't that helpful.

              A hole with water. Now the task of trying to make it all look a little less like a giant bin liner.

                         This shows the pond with all the edges done and the start of the waterfall.

This is the finished pond! The idea was to make look quite natural, so all the sides are turfed rather than paved and all the planting is very informal. On the far bank next to the waterfall is a mound which has been planted with bulbs and will be covered with grass. This will look great in next spring.

The waterfall looks pretty raw at the moment but when it is all over grown with plants and moss it will look great! I am pretty happy with the waterfall and was quite chuffed that I moved that tonne (literally) of stones by myself.

 So there it is! I hope you like it as much as I do. Can't wait to go back and see it when its a bit settled in.

Today I have been back at home in London and I have been busy painting and rearraning things at home again. Pics to follow shortly. I'm off now, my friend has suggested a Winehouse love in and that sounds like a truly fab idea to me!


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